There’s a lot more to a novel than a beginning, middle and end. Each of those structural elements needs to achieve something very specific, and they’ve go to work together, each part building on the next.
I created this story structure diagram for my own reference as an overview of that process and how everything fits together. You might like it too.
If you find this diagram helpful, please let me know by leaving a comment, tweeting about it, or directing people here. If you think its missing something I’m keen to hear that too.
Please feel free to print it out for your personal use, link to it, and generally let people know about it, but please don’t post it on other sites. Thanks!
Of stories and writing
If you like the above diagram and want to know how to use it to best effect, check out the companion book, Story and Structure: An Unholy Alliance.

This looks like a very good plan of attack in getting a novel’s structure outlined. Thanks!
Great diagram. I like a nice visual.
Thanks Jennifer!
I love it. All new writers should see this
I definitely agree Katrina! Old writers too. 😀
I said a while back, if I got an idea for a new story, I would use your outline process. True to my word, I got an idea for a story. It would have been a failed story, if I hadn’t used your outline. I was forced to think about it logically. Now, I’ve gone through quite a few of your post links and ended up here.
I’ve been bad, Chris! Very bad, indeed! I stole your image above and used it as a desktop picture, so I will have it to refer to. I promise (imagine hand over heart and hand on bible) I will not use it for anything but a desktop reference for my writing.
I’ve got it on my desktop Jen too Jen, so no problems whatsoever. I’m glad you like it and that it’s helped with your story!
Thank you! This really helped me untangle a problem and a weak spot.
Thank you! This looks like a very useful diagram.
I, however, have a problem. Maybe it’s something with my story, because aparently I got lost somewhere near the midpoint. I don’t even know what my midpoint should be – I have three options. The first one is when the MC lose something very important to their current situation, the second is when a serious fight emerges after finding a seemingly important clue, the third is when a background character dies because of one of the MCs.
I don’t know, could you give me some more details about all the parts below the midpoint, so I can figure out this situation of mine?
Hi Agata.
The midpoint is essentially a turning point for the character on an emotional level – they go from resistance to acceptance. Another way to look at it is that they come to realise that the only way they’re going to get through things is to take action and move forward. If one of your story points does that for the character, then that’s probably your midpoint. Sometimes it’s the point of no return, and the character comes to realise this. It’s the tipping point in the story.
Thank you for your response, Chris.
After reading your description, I can find ANOTHER scene that might serve as a midpoint. It just bothers me that it’s very early in the story and it kinda ruins the composition you’d established. I’ll have to think about it 😛
This is super helpful, I wish there was a printable version, so that I could pin it to my bulletin board!
Hi Lily. You could always copy it to a word document and print it out that way. I’ve got it set as my desktop’s background however – very easy to reference it there.
This was really useful!! Thanks!!
Hello! I love love loved this, so I linked to it in my latest blog post. Hope that’s okay! 🙂 Thanks so much for the inspiration!
Visual display was indeed interesting, gripping and crisp . Added to my knowledge bank . Thanks.
Very interesting at a glance
Love the idea that the first half of your book the protagonist is reactive and second half he/she is proactive.
Like it
THANKS!!! This is EXATLY what I needed! This layout has been my stumbling block.; I wanted to see my journey so I could plug in my ideas for chapters on paper and see the whole story to know how to guide my characters from start to finish.