New blog series: The Darkest Hour – stories of success over adversity

Woman reaching outHave you ever heard of The Darkest Hour?

In a story, it’s the point where your protagonist is struggling to find a reason to continue.

It usually appears around the three-quarter mark, quite often where the mentor dies or some other tragedy strikes, forcing the protagonist to reassess everything and second-guess themselves.

While The Darkest Hour is an emotionally-charged part of many stories, no matter how bad it gets there’s always a way through it, and the protagonist generally finds it.

Inspired by this concept, I want to create a collection of inspiring stories by writers who have faced the odds and succeeded, despite everything standing against them.

This idea has been bouncing around in my head for nearly two decades, but I’d shelved it a long time ago due to the difficulties of contacting authors (think pre-social media, when you had to go through publishers and/or do some serious research).

A panel at a recent convention rekindled the idea. That, and the ability to reach out quickly and easily using social media.

So this is me reaching out and asking for your stories of success despite and the adversities you’ve faced.

How you define adversity and success is up to you.

So send me your inspiring stories about how you conquered the odds, overcame personal setbacks, and succeeded. I want to run them as a series of blog posts initially. If they do well, I might compile them into an eBook or something.

Perhaps you’ve had:

  • so many rejections you’ve lost count
  • health issues
  • family problems
  • self-doubt
  • depression
  • naysayers
  • setbacks, etc.

Whatever the issue you’ve faced, I want to hear how you overcame it.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re an international bestselling author or just starting out. It’s your story that matters.

In sharing, maybe we can inspire others to overcome their own setbacks.

If you’d like to contribute, please contact me through the form below (or you can email me directly if you already have my email address – I’m disinclined to post it online).


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