Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency Seeks Fantasy and Science Fiction

If you’ve got a sci-fi or fantasy novel ready to go, then you might be in luck. The Ethan Ellengerg Literary Agency has put out a notice requesting novels in those genres.

While I don’t personally know anything about them beyond what’s on their website, I did check them out on Editors and Predators, and they came up as ‘recommended’.

It’s pretty rare to see a literary agent calling for submissions. They might be worth a shot.

The full details are on their website.

Good luck.

Writing Update

Well, its about time I kept myself honest and posted about my writing ‘exploits’.

Angry Robot still has the submission I sent for the same novel. They’ve had it for over two and a half months now. Their website said to expect a wait of about three months, and possibly more depending on the number of submissions they received. It’s probably a good thing its taking a while – it’s given me time to tinker with it. Still, if they ask for it, I’ll send it in a heartbeat.

Other news includes work with the novel critique group – wer’re down to the last two novels. I’ve also written a new short story (yeah, pretty rare for me), and a new introduction for the mermaid novel. I’d like to get the mermaid novel into Terry Pratchett novel comp, but I’m running out of time to do that. I doubt I’ll be able to rewrite and polish it now.

Coming up is a new interview from the novel critique group – Leife Shallcross. Looks like it will be really interesting.


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