Update 4 – Writing plan for March

Only managed about 400 new words this week, but I did do quite a bit of editing – 11,500 words worth, or about six chapters.

I’m aiming to improve on that this week. Got the Angry Robot submission coming up soon. It’d be great to have the whole thing ready on the first day of subs, rather than just the first 10-15,000 words in the hope of getting the rest of it up to scratch in the following weeks (just in case they ask for it).

If they want it, I don’t know how much time they’ll give me to get it to them. Better to be safe, and even if they don’t want to see the rest, it won’t exactly be a wasted effort.

Only thing I’m currently struggling with is how much to send in – where to cut it off. There’s a perfect spot just after the 15,000 word cut off, but if you ignore guidelines they’ll just reject you out of hand.

Bit of a tough call.


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